Paupe, Ad. et Cheramy, P. -A. (publishers) ; Correspondence de Stendah(1800-1842) I-III. 3 vol. Preface de Maurice Barras. Paris, Charles Bosse, 1908. Three hardbound 4:o volumes in contemporary red, half morocco bindings with black titlelabels and marbled boardpapers. Spines gilt decorated. Top edges gilt, else uncut. Spines a bit faded, else only minor signs of use. Each volume with a portrait of Stendahl; around 1800, 1825 and 1840. Portraits, flyleaves and title pages a bit foxed. Otherwise mostly occasionel spots. The four last pages in the third volume repaired in lower margin not concerning the text. XXIV, 448 pages + VIII, 560 pages + VIII, 378 pages.