Torgny Schunnesson Rare Books

Showing the category: Varia

from Addams to Erik

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  • Addams, Charels

    Addams, Charels; Monster Rally. With a foreword by John O'Hara. Simon and Schuster, New York, 1950. Ninth printing.
    Hardbound 4o in publisher's clothbacked paperbinding with green, lettered boards. In a pictorial dust jacket. Book with minimal marks to corners, d/j with large tears to extremities. Very good/good. Two pages mildly thumbed, else fine interior. Drawings in black and white. 91 p.
    200 SEK
  • Alfredsson, Karin / Henning, Barbro

    Alfredsson, Karin / Henning, Barbro. Livets fester. Bröllop, dop, studentmottagning och andra kalas. Bokförlaget Prisma, Stockholm 1992.
    8o. Laminerat pappband med illustrerad främre pärm. Fint skick. Illustrerad i färg och svartvitt. 216 sidor.
    150 SEK
  • Beckman, Kaj, text / Beckman, Per, bilder

    Beckman, Kaj, text / Beckman, Per, bilder. Cirkusvärld. Rabén & Sjögren, Stockholm 1976.
    4o. Klotband med illustrerat skyddsomslag. Mycket fint skick. Rikt illustrerad med teckningar i svartvitt. 156 sidor.
    150 SEK
  • Bédouin, Jean-Louis

    Bédouin, Jean-Louis. André Breton. Une étude par Jean-Louis Bedouin. Oeuvres choisies, bibligraphie, dessins, portraits, fac-similés. Pierre Segher, Paris, 1967.Édition revue. Poetes dáujourd´hui, 18.
    Softbound square 8vo in illustrated wrapper4s. A very good copy. Photo illustrated by Man Ray and others. 228 p. , (II).
    150 SEK
  • Benayun, Robert

    Benayun, Robert Anthologie du Nonsense. Societé des Editions, J. J. Pauvert, Paris, 1957
    Hardbound square 8vo in publisher's illustrated and lettered cloth binding with glassine dust jacket. D/j with two closed tears. Near fine/very good +. Illustrated and printed on paper with different colors; rose, green, yellow etc. Slightly browned margins. (VI), 461 p. , (IX).
    300 SEK
  • Bergmann, Jean

    Bergmann, Jean. Universal Calculator. Ett oumbärligt hjälpmedel vid räkning för officiella myndigheter, inom handel, industri och hantverk, fria yrken och för privat bruk. Etc... Continentale Büro-Reform, Berlin, 1926 8?) Tjugoandra upplagan.
    Hög bok (400 mm. x 150 mm.) i ett svart klotband med förgylld text. Över 100 sidor tabeller och med själva kalkylatorn med bruksanvisning i ett fack på slutet. Komplett med pennan av metall. Bra skick.
    500 SEK
  • Billy, André

    Billy, André. Guillaume Apollinaire. Une étude par André Billy, un choix de poème et une bibliographie établi par Henri Parisot, des inédits, s´des manuscrits, des dessins, des portraits. Pierre Sérghers, Paris, 1947. Poétes dáujourd´hui, 8.
    Softbound square 8vo in illustrated wrappers. Only minor signs of use, a very god copy. Illustrated with photos and drawings. 235 p. , (XI).
    150 SEK
  • Birkeland, Knut

    Birkeland, Knut. Mått Mål Vikt. Generalstabens litografiska Anstalt, Stockholm 1971.
    8o. Förlagsinbunden med illustrerad främre pärm. Namnteckning. I övrigt fint skick. 148 sidor.
    120 SEK
  • Boucher, Francois

    Boucher, Francois. Klädedräktens hitoria. Den västerländska dräkten genom 20000 år. Bernces Förlag, Stockholm 1970.
    4o. Klotband med illustrerat skyddsomslag med smärre riss i övre kapitäl. I övrigt mycket fint skick. Mycket rikt fotoillustrerad i färg och svartvitt. 453 sidor.
    900 SEK
  • Carnaval du Nice

    Carnaval du Nice. Album officiel des Artisans du Carnaval de Nice. Année 1925. L´Eclaireur de Nice, 1925.
    Softbound 4:o in colourful illustrated wrappers. A few small cornerfolds below to the right, else fine. Numerous illustrations in blue and a lot of interesting advertising. Not paginated, but 46 p.
    200 SEK
  • Carpen, Robert

    Carpen, Robert; Die weisse Kette. Roman der Cigarette. Wilhelm Heyne Verlag, München,1955. First edition.
    Hardbound 8o in publisher's linen cloth-binding. No dust jacket. A fine copy ! More the history of cigarettes and tobacco than a novel. With interesting photo-reproductions in black and white. 304 p. + 32 pages black and white photos mostly.
    200 SEK
  • Clouzet, Jean

    Clouzet, Jean. Boris Vian. Etude, choix de textes et bibliographie par Jean Clouzet. Dessins, portraits, fac-similés. Éditions Seghers, Paris, 1966. Poetes d´aujourd´hui, 150.
    Softbound square 8vo in pictorial wrappers. Front wrapper almost loose, else fine. Photo illustrated. 192 p.
    150 SEK
  • Colette (Colette Willy)

    Colette (Colette Willy) Mitsou ou comment l´esprit vient aux filles. Litographie originale de Dignimont. Les Éditions G. Crès & Cie, MCMXXVI (1926).
    8vo in a contemporary, well-bound dark-blue leather-binding with marbled boardpapers and endpapers. Top edge gilt, the others just trimmed. Bound with the original blue covers and spine. 198 p. (last blanc). Number 1102 of 1300 copies on "vélin du marais." This book is a part of "Maitres et jeunes d´Aujourd´hui" . First edition of Mitsou was published in 1919. The Dignimont-lithograph is placed as frontispice.
    1200 SEK
  • Collins, Larry / Lapierre, Dominique

    Collins, Larry / Lapierre, Dominique. Sol och skugga. Tre spanska decennier - och El Cordobés. Forum, Sthlm 1967.
    8:o. Förlagsinbunden med illustrerat skyddsomslag, som har en mindre reva. Bra skick. Fotoillustrerad i svartvitt. 351 sidor.
    200 SEK
  • Compagnon, Antoine

    Compagnon, Antoine. En sommar med Montaigne. Atlantis förlag, Stockholm, 2014.
    Liten 8vo i ett gult klotband dekorerat i rött. Ett fint exemplar. Översatt av Jan Stolpe. 152 sid. , (II).
    200 SEK
  • Cooper, Jeff

    Cooper, Jeff. Fighting Handguns. History, Adventure And Romance of Handguns From The Muzzl Loader To Modern Magnums. Trend Book, Hollywood, 1958.
    Softbound 8vo in publsher's illustrated wrappers. Fine! Numerous illustrations in black and white. 128 p.
    150 SEK
  • Cotterell, Arthur

    Cotterell, Arthur. The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Myths & Legends. Guild Publishing, London, New York, Sydney, Toronto 1989.
    Large 4o. Cothbinding (hardbound) with illustrated dustjacket. Very fine condition.Richly photoillustrated in colour and black and white.260 pages.
    300 SEK
  • De St. Jorre, John

    De St. Jorre, John. The Good Ship Venus. The Erotic Voyage of Olympia Press. Pimlico, 1995. First Pimlico edition.
    Softbound 8vo with illustrated wrappers. Minimal signs of use. A near fine copy. (XVIII), 332 p. + 10 p. photographs on glossy paper.
    200 SEK
  • Eden, Mary / Carrington, Richard

    Eden, Mary / Carrington, Richard. Sängen. Skoglunds Bokförlag, Stockholm 1961.
    Tvär-4o. Linneband med illustrerat skyddsomslag, som är lätt blekt och med en mindre reva. I övrigt fint skick. Rikt fotoillustrerad i svartvitt. 118 sidor.
    150 SEK
  • Erik, George

    Erik, George. Corrida! A guide to the art of the bullfight. Arlingtons books, London 1964.
    8o. Clothbinding (hardbound) with illustrated dustjacket. Fine condition. Photoillustrated and with drawings in black and white. 77 pages.
    200 SEK
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