Torgny Schunnesson Rare Books

Showing the category: Konst, Nutida och Modern konst

from Lingner to Rivera

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  • Lingner, Max

    Lingner, Max; Max Lingner. Mein Leben und meine Arbeit. Veb Verlag Der Kunst, Dresden, 1955. First edition.
    Tall 8vo in publisher's nice, red linen (silk) cloth binding lettered in black. In a slightly edgeworn, pictorial dust jacket. Fine/very good. Former owner's initialas in feltpen like an exlibris inside front board. Numerous reproductions in black and white and with some in colour. 95 p. + reproductions.
    200 SEK
  • Lipman, Jean and Conrads, Margi

    Lipman, Jean and Conrads, Margi;. Calder Creatures. Great and small. E. P. Dutton, Inc. , New York/The Hudson River Museum/Whitney Museum of American Art, 1985. First edition.
    Hardbound square 4:o in publisher's red linen cloth binding with pictorial dust jacket designed by Nancy Etheredge. Discrete tape reapir below on d/j, else fine. Pleasent reproductions in colour of Calders animals with titles, date and size. Short texts about Calder. 80 p.
    200 SEK
  • Mentze, Ernst

    Mentze, Ernst. Robert Jacobsen. En dansk kunstner i fremmed milieu. Berlingske Forlag, København 1961.
    Häftad 4:o med illustrerat skyddsomslag. God kondition. Rikt fotoillustrerad i svartvitt. Text på danska. 313 sidor.
    200 SEK
  • Millroth, Thomas

    Millroth, Thomas. Olle Bonniér. Sveriges Allmänna Konstförening, Publikation 104, Stockholm 1995.
    4o. Pappband med illustrerade pärmar. Mycket fint skick. Rikt illustrerad i färg och svartvitt. 176 sidor.
    200 SEK
  • Miro, Johan

    Miro, Johan. Posters / Affischer. Malmö Konsthall/Bra Böcker/Wiken, 1994. First and only edition.
    Hög 4:o i utgivarens illustrerade pappband. Ett bra exemplar. Text på svenska och engelska av Nils Tryding & Sune Nordgren. Med en förteckning över 154 Miro- affischer: år, sammanhang, tryckare, tryckteknik och upplaga. Publicerad i samband med en utställning i Malmö Konsthall. Katalog nr. 157. 328 sid.
    Hardbound tall 4:o in publisher's illustrated paper binding. No dust jacket, as issued. A fine copy ! A catalogue rasionné of Joan Miro's original posters based on Dr. Nils Tryding's collection; the only complete collection in the world. Posters reproduced in colour, described with publisher, printing process and edition. Refers to Serra. Published in occasion of an exhibition in Malmö Konsthall 1994. Catalogue number 157 from Malmö Konsthall. All texts in Swedish and Englih. Foreword by Sune Nordgren and Nils Tryding. 328 p.
    500 SEK
  • Möte med Bror Hjorth

    Möte med Bror Hjorth. Bildförlaget Öppna Ögon, 1986.
    4:o. Linneband med illustrerad främre pärm. Mycket bra skick. Rikt illustrerad i färg och svartvitt. Text in Swedish and English. 227 sidor.
    350 SEK
  • Nash, Jørgen, red

    Nash, Jørgen, red. Lis Zwick 1942-1962. Signerad av Lis Zwick. Borgens forlag/Atelier 53, Fredriksberg, 1992. Upplaga 1500 ex.
    4:o inbunden i ett laminerat, färgstarkt pappband med Lis Zwick i centrum. Utgiven till Lis Swicks 50-årsdag med texter av Jørgen Nash, Stig Åke Ståhlnacke, Ottmar Bergmann, Ivar Lo Johassoin m. fl. Mycket rikt och färgstarkt illustrerad med reproduktioner av Lis Zwicks konst. Signerad "Lis Zwick Drakabygget 2003" på främre försättsblad. 120 sid.
    400 SEK
  • Nash, Jørgen

    Nash, Jørgen. Græsrodens Sange. Pluk fra poesialbum 1942 - 90. Illustreret af Asger Jorn og digteren. Tiderne Skifter 1990.
    4o. Häftad med illustrerade omslag. Mycket fint skick. Rikt illustrerad i svartvitt. 183 sidor. Text på danska.
    300 SEK
  • Niggl, Thomas

    Niggl, Thomas. E. U. / 8 Alulithos von Thomas Niggl mit Texten von Karl Bohrmann und Oey Tjeng Sit. Limited edition. Omnibus Press, Feldafing, 1985.
    Clothbacked portfolio in folio format with title label on front panel. No 45 of 60 copies given to Jørgen Nash and Lis Zwick att Drakabygget (The workshop of Freedom) in Sweden and inscribed to them by Thomas Niggl inside front board. All 8 lithographs signed and numbered by Thomas Niggl. This art portfolio was later donated by Nash and Zwick to a solidarity exhibition in Denmark in 1994. Inlaid is a b/w photograph of some of the members at Drakabygget.
    900 SEK
  • Nordoy, A. & Juul Myhre, D. & Hoydal, G. & Isaksen, J

    Nordoy, A. & Juul Myhre, D. & Hoydal, G. & Isaksen, J. Ingalvur av Reyni. Mentunargrunnur Studentafelagsins, 2000.
    4:o inbunden i ett illustrerat klotband med illustrerat skyddsomslag. Ett fint exemplar. Mängder av reproduktioner i färg och svart och vitt. Texterna på isländska, norska och engelska. 183 sid.
    300 SEK
  • Oldenburg, Claes

    Oldenburg, Claes. Ausschnitt von einer Zahnbürste mit Paste in einem Becher auf einem Eash Tisch. Abbild von Coosje's Denken. / Cross sextion of a toothbrush with paste in a cup on a sink. Portrait of Coosje's thinking Kreefeld Kunstmuseum, 1985.
    Small softbound 8vo in blue wrappers lettered in rose. Reproductions and illustrastions in color and b/w. Texts in English and German by among others Oldenburg and Gerhard Storck. 63 p. , (I).
    150 SEK
  • Otero, Roberto

    Otero, Roberto. Forever Picasso. An Intimate Look at His Last Years. Harry N. Abrams In., Publishers, N.Y. no year.
    4o. Clothbinding (hardbound) with illustrated dust jacketFine condition. Exlibris. Richly photoillustrated in black and white and colour. 196 pages.
    300 SEK
  • O´Keeffe, Georgia

    O´Keeffe, Georgia. Georgia O'Keeffe. Könemann Verlag, Köln 1987.
    Large hardbound folio in publisher's full cloth binding with gilt lettered spine. In a pictorial dust jacket which is slightly discoloured. Fine/very good. With 108 full colour reproductions.
    400 SEK
  • Palau i Fabre, Joseph

    Palau i Fabre, Joseph. Picasso. The Early Years 1881-1907. Ediciones Poligrafa, Barcelona, 1985.
    Hardbound folio in publisher's beige cloth binding with black lettered spine. In a pictorial dust jacket. Fine/fine. In an orignal black slipcase with slight wear to extremitites. Around 250 reproductions in black and white. 560 p.
    800 SEK
  • Pataky-Brestyanszky, Ilona

    Pataky-Brestyanszky, Ilona. Die Keramikerin Margit Kovács. Budapest, 1976. 5th edition.
    Large 4o in publisher's beige linen cloth binding with black lettering on front board. In a pictorial dust jacket. Fine/fine. German edition with 45 p. text +65 fullpage coloured plates and + oeuvre-catalogue with 147 black and white reproductions. In all 193 p.
    Inlaid page with plate-titles and short text in French. Margit Kovacs, Hungarian artistic potter, died in 1977.
    300 SEK
  • Pierre José & Corredor-Matheos, José

    Pierre José & Corredor-Matheos, José; Ceramiques de Miro´et Artigas. Maeght Éditeur, Paris, 1974. First edition
    Square 4:o in publisher's red-brown linen cloth binding lettered in white. In a colour illustrated dust jacket. Fine in all aspects and housed in an original cardbord slipcase. Fine/fine. With two (2) original folded double page color lithographs by Miro executed for this publication an printed at the studio Arte, Adrien Maeght in Paris. Also numerous reproductions in b/w and colour, biograhy, bibliography and complete catalogue of the ceramics by Miro and Artigas.
    2000 SEK
  • Reuterswärd, Carl Fredrik

    Reuterswärd, Carl Fredrik; Closed for holidays. Memoarer. Natur och Kultur, 2000. Första upplagan.
    4o i utgivarens vinröda klotryggband med intitialer i silver på främre pärm. Illustrerat skyddsomslag med en del små fläckar och nga. små riss. Illustrerad med författarens egna bilder och fotografier. 192 sid.
    Tredje delen i Reuterswärds memoarer.
    200 SEK
  • Reuterswärd, Carl Fredrik

    Reuterswärd, Carl Fredrik; Making Faces. Four language book on portraits made by Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd. Text contributions also by Michel Tournier (foreword) and Per Bjurström. Nationalmuseum/Liber, Stockholm,1984. First edition.
    Large, hardbound, 4o with laminated, illustrated, boards. No dust jacket, as issued. Fine ! This book is in four languages; Swedish, English, French and German. Around 100 interesting portraits reproduced; Rrose, Marcel Duchamp, Man Ray, Dali, Alexander Calder, Fernand Leger, Sartre, Simone de Beauvoir, Michel Tournier, Miro, Motherwell, Asger Jorn, Francis bacon etc..Wit a post script by reuterswärd about som of the portraits. 181 pages.
    300 SEK
  • Rey, Jean Dominique. (Michaux, Henri)

    Rey, Jean Dominique. (Michaux, Henri). Henri Michaux. Rencontre. Collection dirigée par Bernard Noel. Bernard Dumerchez, 1994.
    Small softbound 8vo in publisher's printed wrappers. 35 p. including 7 full page reproductions of Henri Michaux's art. Fine condition.
    150 SEK
  • Rivera, Diego

    Rivera, Diego. Diego Rivera. Arbejderkunst 1. Kultur og Politik, Köpenhamn, 1931.
    Häftad 8vomed lite bruntonad rygg och några lätta fläckar på omslaget. Diskret namnteckning på titelbladet. Illustrerad i svart och vitt. 32 sid.
    150 SEK
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